Breville BJE510XL Ikon 900-Watt Variable-Speed Juice Extractor

Breville BJE510XL Ikon 900-Watt Variable-Speed Juice Extractor

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Process of Making Fresh Pomegranate Juice

Process of Making Fresh Pomegranate Juice

The consumption of Pomegranate is really good for you because this fruit contains lots of antioxidants which are great for your health. Besides, it also has the ingredients of Vitamin C and potassium which are beneficial for your health. If you would like to consume this kind of fruit, you can make it juice that will be fresher to drink. Besides, the juice will give more nutritious beverage for you that will give the best effect for your health.

To help you in making fresh juice for your health, you need to choose the fruits which have a color of dark pink. You are advised to choose the heavy ones because they can indicate that the have more ingredients of juice. It is also important not to choose fruits which have many cracks. In this case, you need to be careful to purchase the best ones for your needs.

To make fresh juice, you need to juice them in one place and you must remove the seeds firstly because the seeds will affect the taste of fresh juice. If you would like to get the extract of those fruits, you will need the use of extractor to separate the ingredients with the rest of them. If you would like to make sweet, you can add some spoons of sugar. But, you must know the amount of sugar you intake in order not to affect the taste of juice. You can consume those fruits directly with opening the skin and eat the inside of fruits. By taking the consumption of fresh fruits above, you will be able to maintain your health.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

How Much Juice is Too Much?

How Much Juice is Too Much?

If you are into juicing, have you ever wondered if you can drink too much juice in a day or for that matter at one time?

In other words "How much juice can be consumed safely?"

As a general rule one pint (16 ounces) daily is the minimum that will provide any perceptible results. If you are interested in optimum results you should be taking two to eight pints or more daily. Eight pints equals one gallon (128 ounces).

Bear this in mind the more juice you drink, the quicker you will see results. Any juice squeezed should be consumed within 30 minutes.

In the beginning when juice consumption was first introduced it was suggested that it be taken in small doses. This was mainly because there was no commercial juicing machine on the market at the time. Can you imagine squeezing 128 ounces of carrot juice by hand! Today it is not a problem with some excellent and efficient hydraulic juicers on the market.

There are some some definite principles involved in producing a juice that will retain all the vitamins and minerals that are contained in the original fruit or vegetable. The release of the mineral and chemical eleMents; the vitamins and hormones from the tiny microscopic cells of the fibers of fruits and vegetables, then separating the juice from the fiber is really an art.

The centrifugal juicing machines only extract a very little of the vital eleMents, vitamins, etc. from the fruits and/or vegetables. It is a physical impossibility, using centrifugal juicing machines, to extract more than a certain percenTAGe of the liquid or moisture. Check the pulp after a juice session with a centrifugal machine, see how moist it is. If you took this pulp and processed it through a hydraulic press it would probably render almost as much juice as was produced by the centrifugal process.

Need I say more about the advanTAGe of the hydraulic juicing machine.

Notwithstanding the disadvantages of the inefficient centrifugal juicing machine, there is still some benefit to be derived from such juices, as the water they contain is definitely vital organic, and as such it has a great deal of beneficial nutritional value.

Water is inorganic. Tap or public water has been treated with chlorine and other chemicals which really makes it unfit for human consumption. Just because it does not make a person sick does not necessarily mean that it is benefits the human body. The water in streams and rivers is also inorganic as it does not contain the vital life-containing atoms of fruit and vegetable water.

The only source of vital organic water is derived from vegetation. This means that our fruits and vegetables and the juices from them, which contain the vital organic water, is the only water source that will keep the human system healthy. YES - we also need pure water for continued hydration of the human system, not for nutrition. These fruits and vegetables must be raw and must never be cooked, steamed, canned or otherwise processed or pasteurized.

Drinking juice from which the pulp (mush) "has not" been extracted, taxes the digestive organs MORE than eating the raw fruits and vegetables. When eating raw fruits and vegetables the saliva created by the process of complete mastication is essential to the complete digestion when the cellulose fiber is present.

The correct way to prepare juice is to grind the fruits and vegetables completely which means the complete reduction to a fibrous mass. This mass should be some fine it could be spread like apple butter. A hydraulic press is ideal for this method of juice preparation.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

How Adding a Juice Bar to My Business Increased My Sales and Traffic!

How Adding a Juice Bar to My Business Increased My Sales and Traffic!

I needed something to really set me apart from the competition, being one of five cafes in town. So this is what I did - I bought an automatic juicer.

Of the couple of dozen restaurants and cafes in my area, I became the first to offer a fully functional juice bar. I began serving freshly squeezed seasonal fruits and vegetable juices daily. Once I had something fresh and new to promote, customers weren't too far behind. Now every morning when we open at 10am, there is a line at the door. I firmly believe that adding a commercial juicer to my café was the right thing to do. The quality of juice obtained from an orange juice extractor is not the same as what is mass-produced and sold in stores. It has a freshness, a vibrancy that really puts an extra kick into your step.

I was sitting in my living room thinking "what new angle" to try out for my café, when I heard a cable news story on the National Cancer Institute's recomMendation for Americans to add more fruits and vegetables into their diets. The majority of people living in the United States do not get the 4-5 servings needed to enjoy healthy lives. Well, I thought, what's easier than not even having to eat fruits and vegetables? Drinking them! My next move could only be to move a juice bar into my restaurant.

The crucial thing is that the juice is freshly squeezed. I have to stress this. Nobody will visit your restaurant for store-bought juice. There's no point in it. Fruits and vegetables lose most of their vitamin and mineral content within two hours after juicing, and being stuffed into cartons and then pasteurized only further lowers the nutritional content. Only when consumed right away does freshly squeezed juice (like that which I provide my clients from a commercial juicer) burst with life and energy. The phytochemicals and enzymes found naturally in fresh fruit and vegetable juice prevent many cancers and imbalances in the body.

It's been six months now and I have had customers tell me that if I ever storage my automatic juicer or stop serving freshly squeezed juice in general, they will never come back. Older clients have told me that after just a month of regularly drinking freshly squeezed juice, they're feeling younger and more energetic. And to top it off, I've enjoyed a 70% increase in profit. I'm not up late anymore wondering if I'll have to cut corners to keep my cafe running. Even in a bad economy, you can run a successful business. I learned it's about ingenuity, and being one step ahead of everyone else. I have to tell you how grateful I am that the only thing I needed to do to increase my cafe's popularity and my net income was purchase an automatic juicer.